Mount Pleasant 2020 DE Tyler Huenemann gears up for weight room and summer camp circuit in pursuit of more offers

Written by
Kenny Jordan
Photo Credit
Tyler Huenemann (Morning Sun)

Mount Pleasant 2020 DE Tyler Huenemann like any high schooler is very anxious for summer. But Huenemann is excited for a different reason than most kids.

The 6-foot-3, 240-pound lineman from Mount Pleasant is looking to be one of the most sought after prospects in the 2020 class with a big summer at camps.

“With basketball coming to an end I am excited to get back in the weight room full time and start grinding,” says Huenemann.

“I plan on doing many camps this summer and just overall prepare to get Mount Pleasant back to the playoffs.”

The newest rankings were just released which is widely regarded as the best scouting service across the country and Huenemann checked in as a “4 Star” with a rating of 0.9345 which is good for 164th nationally ranked and 15th ranked in Michigan in the 2020 class.

“That's awesome to be regarded as a top player but it puts a chip on my shoulder to get ranked first.”

Although there will be plenty of schools knocking on the door for Huenemann in the future one school has already stuck out.

“I've always liked Iowa since my parents both went to college in Iowa and I grew up watching my parents cheer for them, as of right now I only have a camp planned at Iowa for this summer but I would love to take a visit.”

Huenemann holds only one offer right now from his hometown school Central Michigan University. With basketball coming to an end in the coming weeks look for Huenemann to blow up with offers around the entire country.

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